September 2015
Driver of the Month
Bringing on a new driver is usually a gamble as far as quality and work ethic. During the recruitment process, the potential driver usually tells you that he is the best in his fleet, and can do it all. Of course drivers are going to sell themselves to get a job, so sometimes, we are let down once they join our fleet. With Jeff Spencer, this was not the case. We recently brought Jeff to the E.E. Ward team. When interviewing, he did not over-hype himself, as most guys do, and had a quiet confidence to him. He has fit into our mold perfectly by doing a great job, asking questions, and accomplishing exactly what is needed of him when it is needed. With Jeff’s quality from his previous van line, he was brought into the North American fleet as a VanGuard driver, and so far his quality is holding true. In the month of September, he received a perfect 5 star rating for his performance. E.E. Ward is so delighted to have Jeff with us and honors him as the September driver of the month! Welcome to the team Jeff!