EE Ward owner Brian Brooks recently participated in a national forum for the National Minority Supplier Development Council.
In the webinar, entitled “Managing in a National Emergency: How MBEs Are Navigating the COVID-19 Business Challenges” Brian spoke to over 300 participants and small business owners about the ways that EE Ward is navigating this current crisis. As you operate your business in this new environment, Brian encouraged viewers to “stay true to who you are and continue to serve customers, and provide value.” In these days, it becomes even more critical to listen to the feedback and needs of your customers and adapt your business practices to the current environment. EE Ward will be “even better than where we were a month or even two months from now,” Brian said, by focusing on listening to the customer. Communication is also vital in operating in this crisis, making sure at every stage, all employees are aware of the feedback coming from the customer.
As one example, Brian brought in a local pest control expert to educate the team on various chemicals and procedures that can be used to kill the coronavirus on surfaces. With more knowledge, Brian believes his employees will provide additional value, increasing trust and ultimately new business opportunities in the market.
In another example, EE Ward has full adopted the use of virtual surveys, eliminating the need for in-person visits when estimating the cost of the move. “Virtual surveys can be easily done by a customer, keeps unwanted visitors from coming in the home, and typically gets them a price much quicker than the in-home process,” Brian said.