A household move can be a very exciting time. However, it can also be time consuming and costly. Every move-related decision you make is directly related to time, effort, and most importantly, money. Luckily, the moving professionals at E.E. Ward Moving & Storage have put together a list of tips to help you maximize your budget and your sanity.
Change your address right away. As soon as you find out your new address, head over to USPS.com and update your mailing address. You can even specify what day you want the mail forwarding to take effect. It is important to do this as soon as possible because you can get special discounts and coupons when using the USPS moving kit and it is one less thing to worry about on moving day.
Transfer and move utilities ahead of time. Some companies will charge a setup or transfer fee to move your utilities. By planning ahead you can be sure to budget for these extra moving costs, which will help you save money. This is also a good time to reevaluate your subscription services, to see if you need to keep paying for them. With online subscriptions like Netflix and Hulu Plus, there’s no hassle for moving your TV or cable service and it’s much cheaper.
Inventory your wardrobe. Clothes weigh more than you might think and can result in unnecessary shipping costs. It’s a good idea to go through your closet before you start packing and determine what you will and won’t wear. Try to avoid the “I might still want this” syndrome and save yourself some space, time, and money.
Have a garage sale. A garage sale can help you get rid of unwanted “stuff” while also generating some useful pocket change. If you have kids, encourage them to sell the toys they’ve out grown. Encourage yourself to sell your own items that have been collecting dust in the garage or attic.
Make donations. Any items that didn’t sell at the garage sale, and are in usable condition, can be donated. Be sure to keep your receipts, you may be able to get a tax break.
Plan out the furniture arrangement in your new home. Get a floor plan of your new home and plan out roughly where you want to place all your furniture. This plan will enable you to make sure everything will fit. There’s no reason to ship furniture you won’t have room for.
Plan your meals. Plan your meals to clean out your freezer and pantry. Frozen foods can’t be shipped with your belongings and canned foods can be heavy, adding unnecessary weight to your load and bill.
Hazardous materials. Movers are forbidden by law to ship or store hazardous materials. We recommend that you either give them away or arrange for other means of transporting the following items: