When packing up your home for a move, you’ll need to know how to pack fragile items properly and safely to make your move go smoothly, and so that you’re spared the worry and concern you might usually feel when packing away such items.
Knowing what and how to pack fragile things like glasses, vases, or antiques can be tricky, and can’t be done haphazardly or at the last minute (unless you want to risk damage, that is). Keeping things safe and sound doesn’t have to be a struggle, however, when you’ve got the right tips for packing fragile items at your disposal. Learn more about how to keep your things safe and sound with our top tips.
Moving is a stressful process for anyone, no matter how far or how short of a distance you’re moving over. The packing process alone can cause you a lot of stress, especially if you haven’t left yourself enough time to properly prepare yourself or your things. Fragile items are usually left to be packed up last, but this is a mistake, and can often lead to them being packed without as much care as they should be treated. So how do you pack fragile items for a move?
The best way to make sure your items are being treated with the care they deserve is of course to utilize full-service packing services from your professional moving company. If you choose to pack yourself, however, the best thing you can do is to give yourself as much time to do so as possible.
Packing up fragile items can be a very time-consuming task, and should never be rushed. Always start well in advance of your moving day and plan everything out to ensure that your fragile items are organized and packed safely with items like.
A common packing mistake many makes is to not label your boxes. This can lead to items easily getting mixed up, loaded improperly into your moving truck, and can even lead to breakage or damage. You don’t want a bunch of heavy items mistakenly loaded on top of a box of glasses, after all! Make sure you always clearly label all of your boxes to keep your things as safe as possible.
Not all fragile items are created equal, and not all can be packed in the same manner as the others. Always have a planning strategy ready when it comes to packing up all of your things, from antiques to glasses and more. For example, packing up china dinnerware should have a different approach than packing up fragile electronics. Get special materials as needed to keep specific items safe, and always pack like items with like. After all, certain things are more fragile than others!
Looking for the best professional movers who also provide the best possible packing services for your relocation? Look no further than EE Ward Moving & Storage, the best professional movers for your needs. Learn more about our mission and services today.