Want to fix things around your home using rubber bands, walnuts, and Pringles cans? Check out these 20 easy ways to make your life simpler and more organized from you friends at E.E. Ward Moving & Storage.
-When remodeling or painting your home, tape plastic or Tyvek wrap on the ground or stairs to protect carpeting and flooring. If you place the slippery plastic on steps, make sure to put a couple lines of tape running horizontally on the center of the stair in order to give the steps some traction.
-Hate getting your fingernails caught on key chains when adding a new key? Use a staple remover to separate the metal and easily slide a new key onto the ring.
-Use a walnut to cover up scratches and dings on wood furniture. Simply rub the walnut on the scratched areas!
-Decorate an old Pringles can for easy storage of long pasta noodles.
-Combat a clogged drain by pouring baking soda, followed by vinegar and hot water down the drain.
-Need some quick amplification? Place your iPhone in a bowl to add some volume.
-Expand the life of your sponges by washing them in the dishwasher.
-Use a rubber band to loosen a stripped screw.
-Place a rubber band over a paint can and wipe your brush against it to pull off excess paint.
-Place dryer sheets in front of a fan for some quick air freshening.
-Screw on some hinges and attach a painting to your wall to cover your thermostat.
-Use a wine rack to hold towels.
-Use a shoe organizer to separate items in the pantry, different hair styling tools, water bottles, and more.
-Install an extra curtain rod in your shower to provide more hanging storage for your loofahs and other shower items.
-Use magazine racks to store and stack cans and other items in the pantry.
-Attach some foam noodles to the wall of your garage to prevent your doors from being slammed into the wall.
– Fill up balloons with water and use them as ice packs in a cooler. Plus, when they’re fully defrosted, you can use them to have a water balloon fight!
-Use a magnetic strip to keep tweezers, bobby pins, nail clippers, and other small metal objects in place.
-Use ice cubes to take out indents on carpets.
-Attach a magnet to the bottom of your hammer for an easy way to hold on to nails while working.