Taking on an office or commercial move isn’t easy, but it can be a lot less complicated than you’d think if you have the right commercial movers in Raleigh on your side for your move. Once you’ve found a new location for your business or office, it can quickly seem overwhelming to start trying to coordinate and plan the entire process, but that’s what working with Raleigh Office Movers is for.
Whether your office or business is made up of a couple of employees or is a large operation with numerous staff, heading to a new space is never going to come without a few hiccups or issues you might not have initially planned for. However, when you strategize, anticipate issues, and work with the right commercial moving services, you can make sure that your relocation runs as smoothly as possible. So, what can you do to go the extra mile and make sure your office relocation is a positive one? Let’s go through our recommendations and top office moving tips to get your move off to the right start.
Before getting into the best ways to make sure an office move runs smoothly, let’s discuss how having the right office moving services in Raleigh on your side can make the difference between having a stress-free office move, and running around and trying to take on this complicated process without the professional support and coordination you new to make your move run smoothly.
So how do you find the right office moving company? Working with a reputable, experienced moving company like EE Ward Moving & Storage will allow you to be confident in your move and what it entails. With over a century of experience in coordinating and pulling off large-scale moves for offices and businesses alike under our belt, we’ll not only bring our attention to detail and experience to your move, but we’ll bring our professional and efficient office moving approach so you can sit back and let us take care of what needs to be done.
Now that you know who the best professional office movers in Raleigh are, let’s discuss our best tips for business or office moving. The first step in your moving process is of course to decide to make your move and to find a new location or storefront for your office or business. If you’re a self-run operation, what new place is right for you and your business is all up to you, but if you’re in a larger company, you’ll have to work with your HR department to find a new office space that works for everyone.
To make sure finding a new space is a collaborative one that benefits all of the employees of the operation, see if some of your employees will volunteer to take on the task of scouting potential locations or looking around for new spaces. If your employees are excited about your move and new space, it’ll only help to make your relocation that much easier. If no one has experience in looking for a new office space or just doesn’t know what to look for in a new space, see if you can also find and hire a professional real estate agent or broker to help to align you and your employees’ vision of what you want the new space to look like. This can include anything from the look itself to the layout, the location, and the expanded services or purposes you’d like it to serve.
Having both your employees excitedly looking for a new space with the added professional expertise and advice of a professional is a great combination that will find you exactly what you’re looking for. When scoping out new places, you should always have your employees’ best interests in mind. After all, they’re what makes your business work! When looking at potential new spaces, always consider your employees’ current commuting situation. Do most of your employees (or you!) work remotely, or on a hybrid schedule? Are you looking to move your business far away from your current location? If you are, how will that impact your employees, and how are they able to make it to work?
When looking for a new place for a retail establishment, you’ll also need to consider your existing customers and continuing target audience or customer base. How far out of the way will your new location be for current customers – and will this impact their want or ability to come to your business now? If you rely on people walking into your store to check out your things, you’ll also need a location that encourages and experiences frequent foot traffic or is located near similar businesses to draw in interest. Keep your customer experience in mind when choosing a new location as well, including accessibility and layout.
Signing a lease for new office space is a big commitment, so make sure you and all of your employees are on board and excited for this transition. If you think you’ve found a space that checks all of your boxes, figure out what your leasing terms look like with your potential new landlord.
Consider your vision for the future of your business when looking over leasing options, as well. Does your landlord want you to sign a multi-year lease, or do they want to rent the space for shorter initial terms? Are you excited enough about the prospect and potential of a space to commit to it for a longer time period? These are all things to consider when deciding to sign a lease for a new office space. Once you’ve found a new location or space for you and your business to move into, it’s time to tackle the actual moving process itself.
Now that you’ve settled on where you and your business are headed, having the right moving plan and schedule will allow you to set yourself up for a smooth process. When preparing for an office move, always follow these tips:
The first thing you’ll want to do when tackling an office move is to create a budget for your business or with HR. Make sure your company is also prepared and in good shape to cover moving and storage costs, plus any extra factors like employee relocations.
After you’ve made your firm decision about relocating, let your employees know as soon as possible and make them part of your process. You can do this before you’ve found a space or during the process, depending on how soon you’ve looking to move.
After settling on your space, make sure you have the right Office Moving Company in Raleigh on your side to make your relocation a smooth one.
To safely transport and move your electronic or technical equipment at the office, you may need to coordinate or consult IT. Your professional IT experts will plan what to move, what to get rid of, and will figure out what new equipment you might potentially need to work with the space.
Before you move in, make sure you’re prepared with new signage, stationery, or branded correspondence, and have changed your address with USPS.
If you’re a retail establishment or an office that frequently entertains clients or other professionals, let your base know that you’re moving and that you can still be found at your new address. Don’t forget to get customers as excited as you are!
Properly preparing for an office move isn’t easy, but it’ll all work out when you have the right movers on your side for your entire Raleigh office move. With the right planning, strategy, and office moving company on your side, you’ll enjoy a smooth process from start to finish. See what Raleigh EE Ward Moving & Storage can do for you today.