Thanks to our awesome summer event “Laps for Lunches”, supporting food insecurity in Franklin County Ohio, we were able to donate money to St. Philip Episcopal Church, the YMCA, and the YWCA.
Located at 166 Woodland Avenue in Columbus, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church is home to a thriving food pantry that, to date, has served over 12,000 individuals. Open Wednesday and Thursday afternoons-noon to two, most people who volunteer are parishioners that help stock the food as well as guide those that come to the center. The choice food pantry, directly located below the church itself, serves roughly 50 families a week.
This past week, our company was lucky enough to send our two interns, Meghan and Sydney, to see Father Charles E. Wilson who not only showed them around the church but also directed them to the food pantry where the directors of the operation took over. They showed our two ladies how the food pantry serves fresh produce and meat, supporting a balanced diet by giving their customers options depending on what they may already have at home. Not only do they provide food but clothing as well. They are a growing organization that is so welcoming of the people that come to them for help, and E.E. Ward supports them in what they do for our community!
Volunteers are always welcome. If interested, please call 614-253-2771 at the church office. If you have any further questions, we encourage you to visit the Church’s website:
or visit the Food Pantry’s website: