Getting yourself and your family ready for a long-distance move can feel overwhelming. With so much going on in preparation for your upcoming move, you may be feeling like you have an endless to-do list but you have no idea where to start. We know moving far away can be stressful, but here’s the good news: it’s possible. In fact, it’s possible, and it doesn’t need to be a major struggle either. By following the right steps, you can get on a good track to accomplish all your tasks in a timely manner with minimal stress. This is crucial to completing your relocation without a hitch. Curious to find out seven tips to make your long-distance move much easier? Keep reading to discover just how simple your move can be!
First, no matter how many weeks or months away your move is, you will benefit greatly from having a schedule to refer to during this process. Once you have a move-in date set, everything has a deadline, but some things will need to be taken care of ahead of moving day. That’s why having a schedule is so important to keep track of everything you need to do for the big move. You can make this, however, works best for you. Perhaps you want to create a calendar with all your deadlines marked, or maybe you’d fare better with a to-do list in chronological order. No matter what you do, clearly mark when each item needs to get done and do what works best for you to stay on task.
As you get ready for your move, be sure to declutter your space before you start packing. Decluttering is the best way for you to cut down the amount you need to pack and transport for your move. Especially since you’ll be moving a long distance, it can make a huge difference to have less to bring along with you.
You can begin this process by creating four different categories to sort your items sell, donate, trash, and keep. Sorting through your home room by room, allow yourself plenty of time to go through your belongings and decide what you actually want or need to bring with you. This task can feel overwhelming at first, even more so if you don’t allow enough time to declutter without rushing. You may also want to ask friends and family for help, as they will most likely lack the emotional attachments you have towards certain items that are keeping you holding onto them.
Another important responsibility to remember is notifying the correct people about your change of address. You will need to alert the IRS, your bank, your employer, the postal service, your insurance provider, and potentially others, depending on your circumstances. You will also need to cancel your accounts with utility providers – water, gas, electricity, Internet, cable, and more. Letting these companies know far in advance about your move is crucial to prevent any delays in termination and unexpected bills or charges.
On the other side of things, you’ll want to contact the utility providers at your new home ahead of time to make sure you have the utilities you need on the day you move in. Be sure to follow up with these companies about a week ahead of your move-in day to double-check that your services will be turned on when you arrive at your house. Otherwise, you may be doomed to unpack in the cold and the dark.
Your belongings will have a long distance to travel, meaning they will have a long distance to potentially get damaged or destroyed. Although your items will be in boxes, the boxes alone aren’t enough to combat the movement and jostling that can occur in the back of a moving truck. Because of this, it’s best to take the proper precautions to protect your items from the turbulence they’ll experience while being moved.
Investing in protective supplies for your packing process is key. Consider using materials like bubble wrap, packing paper, or moving blankets to effectively reinforce your packed items. You can also opt to repurpose items you already have, such as blankets, towels, thick articles of clothing, and pillows. These all offer excellent protection for your items if you wrap them up thoroughly.
To make your unpacking process easier, you’ll need to invest some extra time when packing. This is why it’s so important to allow yourself plenty of time so you don’t feel the need to rush. If you’re seeking a simple way to stay organized while packing, labeling is crucial. Each of your boxes should be clearly labeled on more than one side so you can easily see what’s in the box from numerous angles. It’s also highly recommended to make your labels as specific as possible. Oftentimes, people will only write the name of the corresponding room on the box, but it’s actually best to write more specifics so you can more easily determine what’s inside.
Another strategy you can try is to create an inventory of your items. This will allow you to keep a running list of what’s stored in each box. Having this list is the perfect way to stay organized and make sure you pack everything you need. Plus, unpacking will be a breeze since you’ll have a record of what box everything is in.
For a long-distance move, travel can be more complex. Depending on the circumstances and how far away you’re going, you may be road-tripping or flying to your new home. Since you’ll likely need to book flights and/or hotel rooms, it’s best to take care of this itinerary with plenty of time so you can get the best prices possible and ensure that you can get bookings on the days you need. Taking care of this in advance will allow for the smoothest process possible and minimize the chance of any hiccups.
When you’re moving long-distance, handling it alone can be much too difficult and anxiety-inducing. Enlisting the assistance of long-distance movers can make a world of difference in making your move go more smoothly. It’s important to get quotes from a few different moving companies to ensure you’re receiving the best price possible. Many moving services will offer in-home estimates to give the highest accuracy in pricing. These companies also may offer packing services, which can save you plenty of time and energy.
With the right steps, long-distance moves can be incredibly untroublesome, rather than being the source of endless stress. If you’re seeking a moving company that can help you get the job done reliably, count on the trusted Raleigh movers, E.E. Ward Moving & Storage Co. This long-distance moving company in Raleigh is committed to moving services that simplify relocation for its customers. Get a free quote today, and find out what E.E. Ward can do for you!