You’re moving and it’s time to get everything packed up and ready to go. However, there’s more to packing than just putting items in boxes. You need to make sure everything is packed properly. During your packing, you’ll probably run into some items that are difficult to pack — jewelry is one of those things. Jewelry can be easily tangled, broken, or lost if improperly stored before transport. In order to prevent this, the household moving experts at E.E. Ward Moving & Storage have compiled these helpful tips.
Necklaces and Bracelets
Pieces with chains, like necklaces and bracelets, can become very easily tangled when left sitting in a jewelry box during a move. Try using a drinking straw to secure the chain. Simply slip the chain through the straw and clasp the ends. This will keep the chain straight, preventing it from getting tangled in itself. For chunkier pieces, you can use an empty toilet paper roll. Using the same method, thread the chain through the roll and clasp at the end. After securing your jewelry you can either place it into a jewelry box or put it into a plastic bag.
You have some options when it comes to packing earrings. For long earrings that dangle you may want to use the index card method. Using a safety pin, poke holes in an index card (a thick card stock paper will also work). Then put each earring through a hole. You may want to tape the backs down so they don’t accidentally slip out during the move. You could also use a day-of-the-week pill case to store your earrings. Place a few pairs of earrings in each pill slot and you’re ready to go.
Egg cartons can be very useful for ring storage during a move. After making sure the egg carton is clean, place individual rings into the cups. You can place multiple rings in each cup, and can even use some for earrings. Once you’ve put everything in you may want to place some cotton balls or tissue paper on top to act as padding. You could also store rings in a hard sunglass case if you have one. A number of rings can fit inside and the hard exterior will keep them protected. The day-of-the-week pill case method of earring storage can also be used for rings.