E.E. Ward Moving & Storage Co. provides specialized moving and storage services for senior citizens who are relocating and/or downsizing their homes. In addition to offering consultation for managing the transition, we also provide referrals to trusted sources for resources. On the USA.gov website, you can find government resources for seniors on money, housing, health, consumer protection, and more. Follow the USA.gov site to find a wide range of resources you may not need today, but could prove invaluable in the future:
Caregivers’ Resources: Help providing care, benefits, long-distance caregiving, legal matters, support for caregivers…
Consumer Protection for Seniors: Consumer fraud, elder rights, advocates for nursing home residents…
Education, Jobs, and Volunteerism for Seniors: Adult education, AARP working options, Senior Corps…
End of Life Issues: Advance directives, estate planning, hospice…
Federal and State Agencies for Seniors: Administration on Aging, Social Security Administration, Veterans’ Health Administration…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Find grandparent programs in your state and get information about benefits, assistance, and more.
Health for Seniors Disease: health care facilities, Medicare, nutrition…
Housing for Seniors: Reverse mortgages, in-home help, nursing home comparison, and more…
Laws and Regulations Concerning Seniors: Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Medicare Modernization Act, Social Security Act…
Money and Taxes for Seniors: Investing, tax counseling, estate planning…
Retirement: Pension plans, benefits calculator, retirement ages…
Travel and Recreation for Seniors: Amtrak senior discount, older drivers, travel tips…