E.E. Ward, an agent for North American Van Lines, has been selected by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) to participate in its Center of Excellence program (COE). E.E. Ward, the leading columbus moving company, will be sponsored by a major corporation to be named at a later date.
The COE program is designed to provide a structured environment that aids in minority business development. The COE will be used for defining issues, gathering data on industry best practices, and establishing tools and processes to engage minority businesses to participate in the program. By participating in this program E.E. Ward hopes to enhance their opportunities to become vendor to major corporations by expanding the growth capacity of E.E. Ward’s business.
The structure of the program will be composed of regional groups called “Business Modules”. Within E.E. Ward’s business module there will be an additional 16-20 minority business enterprises, 8-10 corporations, and regional council president. Each module participant has committed to enhancing the supplier diversity process by implementing NMSDC minority supplier development best practices. Each of the “business modules” will last 18-24 months.
E.E. Ward is excited about its inclusion in the program and will use the capacity building activities to help grow its national and global business opportunities. E.E. Ward was recently named MBE of the year by the South Central Minority Supplier Development Council.