On April 8, 2014, The Columbus Chamber Small Business Council held a webinar: “Columbus Region Small Business Panel.” The webinar featured a 3-person panel that discussed the challenges and opportunities for Columbus Region small businesses. E.E. Ward co-owner and Small Business Council Executive Board member, Otto Beatty, was one of the panelists. Otto sat alongside fellow panel members Darla King, Small Business Council Chair and president/CEO of KING Business Interiors, Inc., and Somers Martin, a Business Development Director and Columbus Chamber Moderator.
More than 90 small business owners from the Columbus area participated and there was a lively discussion and exchange of ideas between the audience and panelists. Entrepreneurial small business owners are the economic engine of our national economy. Participants were eager to pose questions to the successful and experienced panelists to learn how they can realize and implement suggestions and recommendations within their own enterprises.
In case you missed it, the webinar can be found on demand here.